Tuesday, January 20, 2009

X rated and dedicated

The cocktail party going in Iraq must end and end quick. It's totally out of hand. You can't swing a dead cat and not hit a terrorist. Anyhoo, here's a sample from a comic I cook up every once in awhile. I bring you "Plastic War & Peace". Please click on the pic for a larger image.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What a wicked web we weave

I've have alot of weird hobbies. One of them is collecting the grocery lists that get left behind in the carts when people finish shopping. I like to try and figure out what kind of person they are, guess what they were making for dinner, why they would need five tubes of K-Y, you know, stupid shit. Maybe you'd like try it and leave a comment. Dig it:

What's deal here? They crossed off cheddar cheese, eggs and soda; then said "The
hell with the rest of the stuff, I gotta go pick up little Caleb at soccer practice!" And what have they got against good 'ol American hash browns? Anybody who doesn't have time to shop for hash browns is probably a commie, I'm sure. What do you think? Somebody throw me a comment just so I know it's working. That's it, I'm pooped. Time for some cookies and punch and maybe I'll get some pix up later of the two crappy computers I'm going to use for "DIE, HARDWARE! DIE!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dr.Whoopee ... always try before you buy

news briefs: I'm going to close out the computer destruction contest on Thursday, the 14th and announce the winner. Response wasn't as great as I had hoped but that's ok, time to adapt and move on. Converting to a vegetarian lifestyle is a lot harder than I expected, but I plan to stick with it. Time to shop for a new digital camera; champagne taste on a beer budget is a factor. Now on to the crux of this biscuit:

Woman Are Smarter Than Men

I've known that to be true for years now, but sometimes I forget and it always leads to trouble. Over the weekend my girlfriend and I made our customary pilgrimage to mecca: Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse. She headed to flooring while I went to lighting for a new glass globe for our porch light. Not really a big deal, as I enjoy wandering the aisles and gazing at the various tools, ladders and other gizmos and I would have gone there anyway, broken light or not. Now the globe on the light is one of those fresnel (sp?) lens type of things; it kind of looks like miniature lighthouse glass, designed to spread and amplify the light. I found it quickly, but as I picked it up my mind became a whirlwind of thought. Wow, these things would make a knock-out nautical style drinking glass. Why hasn't anyone else come up with this idea? I could order them in various colors, you know, red and green like lights on a buoy...maybe pay 80 cents each for them and set up a website to sell 'em for $10, set of four. Yes, I could just see it so clearly...being summoned to the poopdeck on Blackbeard's pirate ship, where I was toasted by the man himself: "Avast me hardy's! Aaar! Let's all drink a toast to me first mate Dr.Whoopee, who with the heart of a whale and the courage of Neptune, brought us these fine drinking vessels to slake our thirst by! Aaar! He returns the favor by giving me a cask of high-octane grog and his own personal wench for the night. I retire to my deluxe cabin as the crew stays on deck and sings pirate songs written just for me... Wait, even better, I'm plying the waters off of Cape Cod in my racing yacht, The Merry Tycoon. I'm looking sharp- dressed in my blue blazer, red ascot and captains hat. (tilted at a jaunty angle, for effect) I've got Donald Trump ondoard acting as ship's servant. Bill Gates gets inquisitive as The Donald serves up a snack of beluga caviar on little toast points. "Tell me, Whoopee old boy, how do you find time for sailing when you are the nautical drinking glass czar of the world?" "It's easy, Bill" I say. "I let somebody else run the company, while I rake in the cash and become oblivious to the needs of the customer. Just like you with Microsoft! HA HA HA HA!"

Suddenly, my dream bubble is popped when my girlfriend finds me and asks "What are you doing with nine of those globes in the basket?" I explain about the idea and the internet and the money and the pirates and Bill Gates and..."You realize that you're an idiot, right? Nobody is going to drink from those things, much less buy them, dumbass. They won't work." Well, I have a clinker idea from time to time but I was sure this wasn't one of those times. I bought one globe for the light and eight "glasses". We got home and I could hardly conceal my excitement as poured an icy beverage into my beloved nautical glass. I brought it to my parched lips and drank deeply, and icy beverage dribbled all over my shirt, because there's little bumps around the brim that make it impossible to get a good seal. To make things worse, condensation builds up in the glass ribs around the thing, and that too flings off and gets you wet every time you tip it. My girlfriend has that classic look on her face- no need for words, as I already hear "Hello, MORON!" bouncing around in my knobby skull. Now I'm stuck with more dribble glasses than I'll need in a lifetime, and I'm back aboard Blackbeard's pirate ship. Only this time I'm walking the plank and my girlfriend is poking me in the ass with a very sharp sword. "YO HO HO AND A BOTTLE OF BUH-BYE, SHITHEAD! AAAR!

Monday, January 5, 2009

This Country is Filled With Morons

Hiya sports fans!
Coming at you from the food and wine desk today is a gem that shows how stupid Americans are becoming lately. If you are part of the problem, sorry if I offend you. No, I hope you are offended and take steps to correct yourself. Look at the pic: A bag of frozen flounder that contains fish! I love it!

Friday, December 26, 2008

A series re-run or is it?

The last time I flew on a plane I was feeling a little sneaky, a bit wacky, so I ripped off one of the handy "In-the-event-of-a-fire-how-to-exit-this-piece-of-shit-airplane" cards and it was so comical I decided start a series, And it goes a little sumpin' like this:

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lime rind bras- DON'T TRY IT!

I tried this litte stunt and the citrus oils in the rinds started setting fire to my nipples!

Friday, December 5, 2008

ad parody!

Tired of working with Lysol and sandpaper to get the job done? Trust these products to solve the problem!